Radio: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat

 1) Use BBC Sounds to listen to Radio 1. Scroll to a Newsbeat bulletin (8am or 12.45pm are good options) and write notes on how the bulletins may: 

a) appeal to a youth audience 

They show the most recent things that have been posted on the app, they also contain categories of what viewers may want to see and the main page seems to be mainly based on pop music.

b) help fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster. 

They fulfill their responsibilities of being a public service broadcaster by providing coverage for the public in which is accurate and unbiased.

Media Factsheet #224: Industrial contexts of Radio

Read Media Factsheet #224 Understanding the Industrial Context of Radio. You'll need your Greenford google login to access it. Answer the following questions:

1) Read the first two pages of the factsheet. How does the Factsheet argue that radio still has cultural significance in the digital age? 
This is because may people who listened to the radio back when it was popular are still around and is still a piece of technology implemented into a lot of different things such as cars and how they still have them and how it is still used by a small amount of users.

2) Look at the page 4 section on media theories. Briefly summarise the ideas of Curran and Seaton, Hesmondhalgh and Livingstone and Lunt.
It implies that when a form of media is lost or is no longer used by people then it also takes a culture away from people.

3) What is the definition of public service broadcasting?
A broadcast intended for public viewing and interests.

4) Look at the list of eight key principles for BBC Radio on page 6 of the factsheet. Choose the three you think are most significant and explain why.
Accuracy- Ensuring correct and reliable news
Diversity- Allows for a connection with the audience
Accessibility- Allow everyone to access a form of news media

5) What does the Factsheet suggest is the future of PSB radio and how might Radio 1 fit into this?
They say that "the future is looking more and more precarious" This shows how they may have to have their own separate licence fee if BBC does not carry on. 

Industry contexts: reading and research

1) Pick out three key points in the 'Summary' section.
The BBC is the UK's most widely-used media organisation.

The BBC's Remit to educate, inform and entertain

The Licence and performance measures set by Ofcom are designed to ensure that the BBC fulfils its remit while allowing creative decisions to remain in the hands of programme-makers.

2) Now read what the license framework will seek to do (letters a-h). Which of these points could we relate to BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat?

f) Support a wide range of valued genres
g) Support regional and national audiences, and creative economies across the UK

3) Which do you think are the three most important aspects in the a-h list? Why?
h) Require the BBC to reflect the full diversity of the UK population
a) Strengthen news and current affairs rules.
f) Support a wide range of valued genres

Allows it to become more diverse and cover all UK citizen types.
Allow for more reliable news sources.

4) Read point 1.9: What do Ofcom plan to review in terms of diversity and audience?

They will put out a review which will ask audiences if they feel represented enough.

5) Based on your reading and research, do you think BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat offers licence fee payers good value for money?
I think that it somewhat does as they are getting BBC products in return for their payments.

1) What was Ben Cooper trying to do with Radio 1?
He tried to make it a multi-platform business

2) How does he argue that Radio 1 is doing better with younger audiences than the statistics suggest?
They are getting more younger presenters.

3) Why does he suggest Radio 1 is distinctive from commercial radio?
He says they are different because they play more songs than a commercial radio.

4) Why is Radio 1 increasingly focusing on YouTube views and digital platforms?
These are platforms used more by younger people and just people in general.

5) In your opinion, should the BBC’s remit include targeting young audiences via Radio 1 or should this content be left to commercial broadcasters? Explain your answer.
I think that they should somewhat continue as they can incorporate more traditional aspects into younger generations to appreciate older method more instead of having everything on one thing.


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