TV assessment: Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: This is a solid assessment with cleat potential to move higher. You've piched out elements of the unseen and clearly have knowledge of the CSP's. Now it's about developing your exam technique to maximise your marks.

EBI: Q1 feels unfinished and also need to address the impact on the audience.. how is it postmodern and what does this communicate to audience?

Q2 is all about question focus: you need to discuss ideology and what messages these programmes are communicating to their audiences. A clear introduction will help you with this.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: The comparison of old and new texts

Pastiche: When a media text is parodied

Intertextuality: When a reference to another media text is made in a media text.

4) Read this exemplar answer for the 25-mark question in the assessment. Select a quote from the essay for each of the following aspects from the mark scheme:

a) analysis of the products that focuses on contexts and ideological positioning
"Capital is a state-of-the-nation drama and this genre immediately gives it an urgency and realism that reflect the political and cultural contexts of its setting."


b) use of media theory
"Applying Gramsci’s theory of hegemony, this is unconsciously communicating to audiences the value in working hard"


c) a judgement or conclusion on the question 
In conclusion, it is impossible to ignore the ideological positions constructed by television dramas and Capital and D83 are no exception to this.


d) examples from the TV CSPs
Deutschland 83 and Capital


e) use of media terminology 

         -Under-the-armpit shot

-Split screen montage 

5) Based on this assessment, write three things you need to revise before the upcoming end of Year 12 exams.
-Key quotes from both shows
-Understand properly how to structure answer and not go off-topic.


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